Sunset Pulse Code of Conduct



1.0 General rules




1.1 General City Rules


  • Respect is mandatory: Disrespect, excessive swearing, bullying, racism, sexism, homophobia, or any discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Character names must be realistic and PG-13: Example: John Jameson, Michael Howard. Names like "Gym Bag" will result in character deletion.
  • Cheating and exploits are strictly prohibited: This includes cheat scripts, barrier jumping, map exploits, emote exploits, or hacks of any kind. Violations will lead to severe disciplinary action, including bans.
  • No disruptive behavior: This includes griefing, mic/chat spamming, trolling, or intentionally interfering with other players' roleplay scenarios.
    "Dirty RP" is not allowed. Corrupt cops, EMS, or government officials are strictly prohibited.
  • Recruiting for other servers or communities is not allowed: Advertising or promoting other cities, servers, or communities is prohibited.
  • No political, religious, or extremist references: Names, chat messages, or actions that support or oppose political stances, terrorism, or religion are strictly forbidden.
  • Do not impersonate city officials: Pretending to be an Owner, Admin, or Moderator will result in a 24-hour ban.
  • Do not stalk or harass city administration in-game: If you have concerns, use the Discord support channels instead.
  • Flying planes or helicopters within city limits requires approval from City Officials/Administration.



1.2 Discord Rules

  • Respect everyone, including staff and support members. They are here to assist you.
  • Harassment, discrimination, and hate speech will not be tolerated. This includes witch-hunting, sexism, racism, and any form of discriminatory behavior.
  • No spamming or self-promotion. Advertising, server invites, and promotional content (including DMs) are not allowed unless approved by staff.
  • No explicit or age-restricted content. Posting or sharing texts, images, videos, or links containing nudity, sexual content, or extreme violence is strictly forbidden.
  • Report inappropriate behavior. If something makes you feel uncomfortable or violates the rules, notify staff immediately. This is a safe and welcoming community.
  • Do not provoke or incite drama. Instigating conflicts in public chats or through unsolicited DMs will not be tolerated.




2.0 Roleplay Terminology



2.1 Fail RP



Short for “Failed Roleplay” or “Failure to Roleplay”



Fail RP occurs when a player does not properly roleplay a scenario. Examples include but are not limited to:



  •  Crashing your vehicle and continuing as if nothing happened.
  •  Falling from a high-rise building or bridge and acting uninjured.




2.2 Metagaming



Metagaming is using out-of-character (OoC) knowledge for in-character (IC) benefits or gain. This includes information obtained from outside applications such as Discord, TeamSpeak, or forums.


Examples of metagaming include:



  • Using information your character has not seen or experienced in the city.
  • Watching a live stream or reading chats and using that knowledge to influence in-game events.



2.3 Powergaming


Powergaming is forcing players into restricted scenarios where they have no ability to respond or roleplaying things that are physically impossible.


Examples include but are not limited to:



  • Controlling aspects of the server and preventing others from roleplaying in certain locations.
  • Forcing a player to transfer all their bank funds during a robbery.
  • Closing all roleplay options by forcing your own agenda into a scenario.
  • Roleplaying unrealistic abilities (e.g., superpowers).
  • Using a radio or phone while in handcuffs or prison.



2.4 New Life Rule (NLR)


The New Life Rule applies when a player dies and respawns. Pressing “E” to respawn or letting the help timer hit 0 forces a new life state.


There are two positions after being killed:



  • Downed (Fetal Position): You may remember everything leading up to your injury.
  • Dead (Flat Back Position): You must forget the last **5 minutes** before death and respawn, including injuries and the individuals responsible.

Additional NLR rules:



  • No relaying information between a player's characters that wouldn’t be commonly known.
  • Players may not use NLR to escape police or EMS involvement. Doing so is considered Combat Logging or Jail Evading.

  • Players must wait for treatment before respawning unless given permission by EMS.


2.5 Permadeath



Sunset Pulse does not enforce perma-death during active police scenarios. If a player wishes to permanently kill off a character, they must:



  • Submit a ticket  to pre-plan the character’s death.



  • Wait until they are released from the hospital or jail before perma-deathing a character.



Additional Permadeath Rules:


  • No player may force another player into a perma-death unless agreed upon by both parties for roleplay/storyline purposes.




3.0 In-Game/In-Character Expectations



3.1 No “Low Effort” Roleplay


Low effort roleplay is defined as putting in little to no effort into a scenario. Every roleplay situation should have depth, contribute to a storyline, and promote character development.


Examples of low effort RP include:


  • Fleeing from law enforcement without a proper reason.


  • Engaging in "Cops vs. Robbers" play. (See 3.14 Cop Baiting.)


  • Driving recklessly at unrealistic speeds (e.g., 100+ MPH for no reason).


  • Dismissing medical injuries (e.g., "I stubbed my toe" in a serious situation).


  • Using fake hostages during robberies.


  • Talking while in a "dead" state (flat-backed position).


Players should focus on meaningful story progression. Initiating a Kill on Sight (KoS) order must involve a storyline, reasoning, and lead-up beyond social media posts.



3.2 Character Creation


Character names must be PG-13 and legitimate (e.g., Matthew Cook, James Ward). Unrealistic names (e.g., Gym Bag, Serial Killer) are not allowed and will result in deletion. Characters should grow over time rather than immediately be rich and own numerous assets.



3.3 Disrespectful Roleplay Scenarios


Strictly forbidden roleplay includes:


  • Rape
  • Torture
  • Racism
  • Terrorism
  • Suicide


Any violation will result in an immediate ban.



3.4 Playing In-Character


Players must remain in character at all times. The only out-of-character resource is /report. In-character phrases include "my eyes" or "I got a headache" rather than "my screen" or "I’m lagging."



3.5 Dirty RP


Whitelisted emergency service personnel cannot be "dirty." Engaging in illegal activities as an EMS, police officer, or firefighter is prohibited and will result in job termination and possible disciplinary action.



3.6 Robbing/Kidnapping Emergency Services Personnel


This is forbidden unless approved by government officials and tied to an ongoing storyline.



3.7 Robbing/Kidnapping of the General Public


  • Players cannot string rob multiple people or camp job locations.


  • A one-hour cooldown applies between robberies.


  • At least 10 seconds of interaction is required before initiating a robbery.


  • If a victim complies, they cannot be killed.


  • NPCs cannot be used as hostages.



3.8 Random Deathmatch (RDM) / Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM)


Players must engage in proper roleplay before attacking others. Intentional ramming or killing without reason will result in punishment.



3.9 Responsible Operation of Vehicles


  • Vehicles should not be driven unrealistically (e.g., ramping off bridges, excessive crashes without consequence).


  • Speed limits: 50 MPH in the city/county, 100 MPH on highways.


  • Off-road driving must match vehicle capability.


  • Jumping off bridges must be roleplayed as severe injury if appropriate.



3.10 Black Market Dealership


Vehicles Illegal modifications such as weapons, armor, and speed boosts are prohibited. Vehicles found with these mods will be removed with no refund.



3.11 Value of Life


Characters must show fear for their life. Compliance is expected if held at gunpoint. If a legitimate escape opportunity arises, resistance is allowed.



3.12 Injecting/Reinjecting into an RP Scenario


Once a scene is left, players cannot return. Injecting into a scene without prior involvement is prohibited. Outside assistance during robberies must be declared beforehand.



3.13 Player Scene Limit


  • Store Robbery: 2 players


  • Jewelry Robbery: 3 players


  • Bank Robbery: 5 players


  • Heist (Big Bank & Casino): 8 players



3.14 Cop Baiting


Committing crimes solely to provoke police engagement is not allowed (e.g., speeding past cops repeatedly, false calls, forcing interactions).



3.15 Combat Log


Players must not disconnect during active roleplay. If a disconnect occurs, the player must rejoin and continue the scene.



3.16 Communication Methods


All in-character communication should use in-game radios, phones, and proximity chat. A working microphone is required.



3.17 Repeat Offenders (Criminals)


Frequent criminals may face increased punishments, including asset seizures by the State Judge.



3.18 Impersonation of Emergency Services


Players cannot impersonate police, EMS, mechanics, military, or government officials.


3.19 Death Avoidance


Transferring money, weapons, or items before death to avoid loss is prohibited and considered an exploit.



3.20 Theft of Emergency Vehicles

Stealing police, EMS, mechanic, or military vehicles is prohibited. Attempting to steal police vehicles grants law enforcement shoot-to-kill rights.



3.21 Whitelisted Job Abuse


Whitelisted positions must not be abused (e.g., giving out firearms, reviving friends off duty, repairing vehicles off duty).



3.22 Mechanics


  • Players should not repeatedly contact mechanics on calls.


  • When only one mechanic is available, attacking/kidnapping them is discouraged.


  • Mechanics cannot be kidnapped/killed without a valid cause.



3.23 Body Dumping


Bodies must be retrievable by EMS and cannot be dumped in inaccessible locations. Victims may call 911 once after a scene concludes.



3.24 Rape Roleplay


Strictly forbidden. Any engagement results in an immediate ban.



3.25 Suicidal Roleplay


Prohibited due to its sensitive nature. Any engagement results in removal from the server.



3.26 Drag Race Car Use


Drag cars are restricted to race tracks and events. Driving them on public roads is subject to police stops. Abuse of this rule will result in drag cars being removed from the server.



3.27 Aircraft Flying


Helicopters must land only on approved helipads. Unauthorized landings will result in impoundment. Landing on government buildings results in a 48-hour license suspension and potential jail time.




4.0 Zoning Regulations



4.1 Police Stations



  • Unauthorized entry into restricted areas of any police station, including cells, armory, locker rooms, or motor pools, is strictly prohibited.



  • Violence is permitted inside or outside police stations as part of roleplay; however, excessive or unrealistic violence (e.g., daily shootouts) is **not allowed**.






4.2 Emergency Buildings



  • Loitering around police stations, hospitals, or other emergency service buildings without active roleplay is not permitted.



  • Failure to engage in meaningful roleplay while lingering in these areas may result in removal from the city and server.






4.3 Fort Zancudo (Military Base)



  • Entering Fort Zancudo or any military installation is strictly PROHIBITED.



  • Any unauthorized entry will be considered Fail RP since breaching a military base in real life would be highly unrealistic.



  • Violating this rule may result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the server.







5.0 Properties & Zones



5.1 Houses


  • Houses are available for purchase by players.


  • Law enforcement may raid a player’s house if they have a valid warrant.



5.2 Illegal House Activities


  • Illegal activities may take place within a home; however, if police discover criminal operations, they have the authority to seize the property and return it to the bank.
  • Once a house is seized, it must be re-purchased at a later date by any player.



5.3 Business Activities


Business owners must follow all business regulations. Failure to comply may result in losing ownership of the business.


Legal businesses cannot refuse service unless the individual:


  • Committed a crime on business premises
  • Committed a crime against employees


NOTE: A police report must be filed, and an attorney must be involved for documentation.


  • Business owners and employees have the right to defend themselves and their property.


Gang-related rules for businesses:


  • No gang affiliations or colors while working at a legal business.
  • No gang activities on business property by owners or employees.
  • Businesses must operate legally—drugs or contraband cannot be accepted as payment.


⚠️ Administrative Rights:


  • The Sunset Pulse  Administration reserves the right to shut down any business or criminal organization that repeatedly disrupts the server or fails to maintain realism.
  • If a business owner leaves the community, all business rights and documents remain within the server. The government will redistribute or resell the business as needed.



5.4 Green Zones (No-Hostility Areas)


Green Zones are designated areas where hostile RP is strictly prohibited, including:


  • All hospital exteriors
  • All hospital interiors
  • All EMS personnel (unless explicitly agreed upon for RP purposes)



Green Zone Abuse

  • If a player flees into a Green Zone to avoid law enforcement, police are allowed to enter and arrest them.

    Players caught abusing Green Zones to escape the law will receive:
  • First offense – Warning

  • Second offense – Suspension
  • Third offense – Ban



⚠️ Police Chase Rule:


Running into a Green Zone to avoid arrest forfeits your right to use weapons.



You may either:


  • Surrender to the police
  • Leave the Green Zone and attempt to escape



🔴 Breaking Players Out of Jail


  • PD Stations are off-limits for breakouts.


  • You may attempt a prison break during transport, but only before the prisoner enters the gates of the prison.



5.5 Red Zones (High-Threat Areas)


Red Zones (Hot Zones) are areas where aggressive roleplay is fully permitted, including:


  • Drug sale and gathering zones
  • Chop shops


🔺 Rules for Red Zones:


  • Players can kill or rob others without prior interaction.
  • Expect high-risk encounters in these areas.



5.6 Los Santos Airport – Green Zone Rule


  • Los Santos International Airport is a Green Zone.

  • Criminal activity is strictly prohibited in this area.





If involved in a high-speed police chase, players may pass through but must avoid collisions and no shooting is allowed near the airport.

Violations & Consequences:


  • 1️⃣ First Offense: Warning
  • 2️⃣ Second Offense: 12-hour ban
  • 3️⃣ Third Offense: Staff discretion (may result in a longer ban or permanent removal)




6.0 Gangs & Organized Crime



6.1 Gang Operations


  • Gangs are permitted to operate and engage in criminal activities but must avoid daily, unnecessary violence.
  • Gang wars must be initiated ONLY by gang leaders and require a 5-day cooldown between conflicts.
  • Excessive or non-RP-related violence will result in gang-wide disciplinary actions.



6.2 Gang Strikes & Disciplinary Actions


  • If multiple gang members are caught breaking server rules, the gang leader will be held accountable.
  • Gang leaders receive two verbal warnings before strikes are issued.
  • After three strikes, the entire gang will be disbanded, and offending members will be permanently removed from the server.


Gang Strike System:


  • 1️⃣ Verbal Warning – Gang leader is notified.
  • 2️⃣ 2nd Verbal Warning – Gang leader is notified again.

  • 3️⃣ 1st Strike – Offending members are banned from gang-related activities for 24 hours.

  • 4️⃣ 2nd Strike – Offending members are banned from gang-related activities for 3 days.
  • 5️⃣ 3rd Strike – Offending members are permanently removed from the gang, city, and server.


🔺 Enforcement Justification:


  • These rules exist to ensure fairness and balance in RP.
  • Failure to adhere to city regulations negatively affects everyone’s experience.
  • Sunset Pulse is committed to a fun, engaging, and immersive roleplay environment.




7.0 Donor Purchase & Transfer Rules


7.1 Emergency Vehicles


  • Non-law enforcement personnel are strictly prohibited from purchasing or owning emergency vehicles.
  • Emergency vehicles cannot be transferred to any other player.


Violation Consequences:


  • The vehicle will be permanently deleted from the player’s garage.
  • No refunds will be issued.
  • Repeated violations may result in further disciplinary action.

7.2 Donor Vehicles


  • Donor vehicles cannot be transferred to any other player for any reason.


Violation Consequences:


  • The vehicle will be permanently removed from the player’s garage.
  • No refunds will be given.
  • Additional infractions may result in further penalties, including server bans.
  • You agree too all terms of service which can be found here